Discover Healing and Hope with Kelli Nielsen's "Grief Survival Guide" eBook!

Are you navigating the turbulent waters of grief? Struggling to find the light in the darkness?

    Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! (Left Corner)

Kelli Nielsen, a compassionate guide and mentor, welcomes you to "The Grief Survival Guide"—a comprehensive eBook designed to support and uplift you through the complexities of loss. Secure your copy today!



Life's unexpected turns can leave us reeling from loss. Whether it's the passing of a loved one, the end of a significant relationship, or another form of profound loss, the path to healing can feel insurmountable.

"The Grief Survival Guide" is your compassionate companion through this challenging time, offering insights and strategies to help you navigate your grief, honor your emotions, and gradually find your way back to a place of peace.


You've felt the impact of loss, and now you seek a way through the pain. "The Grief Survival Guide" provides the tools to help you honor your feelings, understand the stages of grief, and embrace hope for the future, revealing a path toward healing and growth. You CAN recover!

You CAN Create Full-Time Income EQUIPPING PEOPLE.

As a 5-Fold Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, or Teacher, you are called to "equip the Saints for works of service".  Can I just tell you.. the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are FEW.  
Many are believing for a global harvest of souls. I'm here to tell you that MUCH OF THE HARVEST will come through Kingdom Entrepreneurs who go above and beyond local efforts. 

Below, you'll see and example of just ONE example from my own experience, where we were able to teach over 5,500 Five Fold Leaders about their ministries.
We equipped, imparted, and saw many activated to walk in their God-given mantles and identities. Then, around 165 of those people decided to join us for 12 Months going through the Kingdom Life Coaching School that we built from scratch with Holy Spirit.

This One LIVE Event Filled our School/Coaching Program with 12 Month Clients!

BONUS: When you join, I'll also be sending you a copy of my new book, "Teach your Business to REJOICE!"

This book was written to empower leaders like you with the supernatural power of pure communications and honor in your business, leading to incredible opportunity, as well as strategies for increase, impact, and influence. My gift to you when you join this FREE 5-Day Event!

Which of these resonates with you?


  • You're tired of feeling this way. Life has been a roller coaster of ups and downs. Beneath the surface, there's a call for deeper healing and understanding. You're looking for a path to healing, and are ready to work your way through the fog of loss, and you're ready to have a better life again sprinkled with grace instead of sorrow.

  • You're someone who has sought comfort in your familiar routines, but the heart seeks a more peace. You're looking for anything that will help you connect the dots between your experiences of loss and the healing process. You're ready for restoration and rest from the pains of this loss.

  • ​The journey you've been on has felt like navigating through a storm, where moments of calm are fleeting. You're yearning for a hope, a guide to lead you through the darkness and into a place of renewed strength. The quest for peace is not just a desire—it's a necessity. You're at a crossroads, ready to embrace the process of transformation, to find solace in the midst of chaos.

  • You're gearing up for a comeback, ready to rediscover the joy and color in life. Think of it as rebuilding, piece by piece, with a little more wisdom and a lot more strength. We'll navigate this road at your pace, finding rest in moments of peace and gaining resilience with every step. So, let's keep moving forward, ready to embrace the healing that awaits, with an open heart and an unstoppable spirit. Here's to better days ahead...🧡

It feels like there are SO MANY THINGS standing in your way which is causing you to...


Doubt your ability to lead, build, maximize income, and equip the people who need what you carry.


Work double-time with no solid plan for minimal results and a whole lot of warfare from people who don't value the oil you carry.

And no matter how hard you try, you're struggling to either get your business going or you're working for pennies on the dollar. Sound familiar?

Kelli Nielsen wrote this to meet a need that so many are facing.

Kelli Nielsen is your go-to guide in the messy, complicated journey of grief. She’s the author behind "Grief Survival Guide," the book that’s less like a manual and more like a friend who’s been in the trenches and knows the way out.

Kelli’s the kind of person who doesn’t shy away from the tough stuff. She’s laughed, cried, and everything in between—and she’s here to help you do the same. Her advice? Real, raw, and without the fluff. It's like sitting down with a good friend who knows exactly what to say, not because they’ve got all the answers, but because they’ve been right where you are.

She's all about building a community where it's okay to not be okay and turning the page to find a bit of hope on the next one. So if you're looking for a down-to-earth, keep-it-real kind of guide as you navigate the waves of grief, pick up a copy of "Grief Survival Guide." With Kelli's words as your companion, you'll find the strength to keep swimming.

Kelli Nielsen wrote this to meet a need that so many are facing.

Kelli Nielsen is your go-to guide in the messy, complicated journey of grief. She’s the author behind "Grief Survival Guide," the book that’s less like a manual and more like a friend who’s been in the trenches and knows the way out.

Kelli’s the kind of person who doesn’t shy away from the tough stuff. She’s laughed, cried, and everything in between—and she’s here to help you do the same. Her advice? Real, raw, and without the fluff. It's like sitting down with a good friend who knows exactly what to say, not because they’ve got all the answers, but because they’ve been right where you are.

She's all about building a community where it's okay to not be okay and turning the page to find a bit of hope on the next one. So if you're looking for a down-to-earth, keep-it-real kind of guide as you navigate the waves of grief, pick up a copy of "Grief Survival Guide." With Kelli's words as your companion, you'll find the strength to keep swimming.


If you’re going to build an online coaching business, then you’re going to haveto get real about, well... BUSINESS! You'll have to accept the call to steward wealth. 
What you do with your wealth is important.
The reality is that even though I learned to create a multiple six-figure coaching business, I chose to learn how to steward it with Kingdom Family, creating income for other families too. 
 **Consider how many people might NEVER get breakthrough if you are too afraid to steward the finances that come with good business?  You're called to MORE than just being a coach. You're called to lead a movement with many Kingdom-minded leaders who partner together for the same purpose! **

It doesn’t matter how great of a coach or minister you are.

If you don’t know how to position yourself as an expert, find clients that need what you have to offer, and actually make money from your services, that business isn’t going anywhere. (Which means you don't reach people with the Truth the way you want to.)

Successful coaches know that in order to build a business that doesn’t include you working 24/7, begging for clients, or playing the “who’s charging the least” game on social media & websites, you need to have three things in place:

And that's your Systems, Content, and Dynamic Offers. Because at the end of the day, if you don't know who you help + how you help them, how to build new things and charge for your services, and how to find people who want what you are offering... your business isn't going to get very far, right?!

Once you have these ingredients nailed down, you're well on your way to building a thriving Kingdom Movement that gives you the income and the impact you've always wanted. So let’s do this!

This FREE 4-hour Masterclass is for 5-Fold Coaches and Course Creators:

"How to establish & scale a Kingdom Movement!"

A 5-Day Online Event to Help Spirit-Led Leaders & Coaches Establish & Scale Kingdom Movements.

This Online Event takes place June 5-9th, 2023, in our Exclusive FB Group

From defining what makes you unique to identifying the best places for you to snatch up dream clients

By the end of our time together, you’ll have your game plan locked in and ready to go, so you can finally stop thinking about starting that coaching business and actually start landing clients, experiencing true momentum, creating more income, and living the life of stewardship you were born for! (This matters, because you're called to reach, equip, and empower people!)

Here’s What You’re Getting In This eBook:

Each day, I'll be going live inside our Members-Only Facebook Group to help you work through the key ingredients. I've taken the highs and lows of my own journey and have distilled them into the essential steps you can take RIGHT NOW to get your Kingdom Movement Established, Launched, and Scaling! Let me shorten the learning curve for you!


In the "Grief Survival Guide," you'll discover the transformative power of healing. Kelli doesn't just talk at you; she talks with you, creating a space where each sentence feels like a step towards mending the heart. This book will serve as your gentle yet persistent push towards the light at the end of the tunnel, helping you stitch back together the pieces of a life that grief has frayed. With Kelli's guidance, healing becomes an active, lived experience - one where you're validated in your pain but also equipped to move forward, one breath at a time.


Connection is the golden thread weaving through Kelli Nielsen's "Grief Survival Guide". This isn't just a book; it's a community waiting to unfold from the pages. As you read, you're not alone. You're part of a fellowship of others who've felt the sting of loss and are working towards recovery, just like you. Kelli's words build bridges over the isolation that so often accompanies grief, reminding you that your journey is shared, your struggles understood, and your presence valued.


This book is a vessel of empowerment. Grief can leave you feeling powerless, but Kelli flips the script. She offers practical tools and heartfelt wisdom that empower you to take ownership of your grief journey. Through actionable advice and compassionate storytelling, you'll find yourself reclaiming pieces of your identity and strength that loss may have shadowed. "Grief Survival Guide" isn't just about surviving; it's about thriving in the aftermath of loss, armed with the courage to face each day and the knowledge that you're capable of enduring much more than you ever imagined.

There’s more! Over $7000 of additionalBONUSES, including...

Lifetime Access to The Training Records ($1999 Value)

Each of our training sessions will be saved and compiled for you, so you can revisit them whenever you're making adjustments to your positioning, pricing, and promotion strategies.

"Teach your Business to Rejoice" book for Activating the Power of Communication and Honor in your Kingdom Business ($997 Value)

I'm handing over a comprehensive book that is designed and written to help you build with the supernatural power of pure communications and honor in your business to help you get yourself, your team, and your clients activated in God's Kingdom. Feel free to use this incredible resource to fuel your coaching business as you empower your clients with wisdom! 

"The Grief Survival Guide" is steeped in empathy and practical wisdom, offering not just a way through grief but a transformation of your experience into a deeper understanding of life and love.

Where other resources may offer temporary comfort, Kelli Nielsen's guide provides a profound journey through grief, equipping you with the understanding and tools to navigate your loss and emerge with renewed hope and strength.

Are you ready to take the first step toward healing? Don't navigate your grief alone. Let "The Grief Survival Guide" be your companion. Download your eBook copy now and embark on a journey of healing, hope, and rediscovery.

For real. Here’s a snapshot of our Stripe account from our most recent launch: 

And if you’re like, “Okay cool, but I’m not you. It won’t work for me because I’m just starting out / don’t have a niche yet / don’t have an email list / etc.”...

… check out what this process has done for our students who are just like you:

That's Jordan, a recent bootcamp participant of ours who teaches fly fishing and reached out after using the secret ingredients taught inside our bootcamp...

Within 5 minutes of making his offer, he had sold over $4,000 of online course sales!

Or what about Joy Foster who helps women build online technical skills so they can return to work or change careers...

After making a few key changes to her $2,000 program, she went on to have her biggest promotion bringing in over 100 new customers!

She also used our killer promotion strategy, but more on that later...

Or how about Magnus Zetterlund who teaches people how to play the mandolin..

He's a recent member of our annual coaching program and that's him posting in our private Slack community.

We walked him through using the same ingredients you will learn in this bootcamp and he went on to make $22,902 in his first promotion!

Basically, we know a thing or two about helping people like you tap into the thriving online, multi-billion dollar online education industry and get paid for what you already know. 

Sound like something you’re into? Keep on readin’, friend. 

Experience the Support and Transformation that Awaits You!!

Find a Button on this Page, and CLICK IT!

It's time to embrace healing and find peace on your journey through grief.

  • Training 1: Igniting the Spark: Kingdom-Minded Business Foundations ($797 Value)

  • Training 2: Crafting Your Unique Vision & Message + Branding and Graphic Design ($797 Value)

  • Training 3: Navigating the Digital Landscape: Marketing and Sales Strategies ($797 Value)

  • Training 4: Delivering Value: Content and Offer Development ($797 Value)

  • Training 5: Embarking on Your Journey: The Path to Building Your Kingdom Movement! ($797 Value)

  • "Teach your Business to Rejoice" Instruction Manual  ($599 Value)

  •  A Tested & Proven Roadmap for Launching & Scaling ($10,000 Value)

  • ​Access to the Exclusive Group for Kingdom Coaches & Course Creators ($599 Value)

  • BONUS: Lifetime Access to the Training Recordings  and Resources ($1999 Value)

Snag over $15,500 in value......for FREE

This 5 Day Event Starts SOON...

And in case you need an extra (loving) push to believe in yourself… here’s our 20x guarantee: 

We 100% guarantee that you will love this challenge

If after the end of Day 1 you feel like you haven't gotten at least 20X the value of your investment, we will happily refund your investment in full. All you have to do is email us by 8:59am EST on Day 2 for a full refund.

Sound fair?


Here’s the thing — when you launch your Business & Movement, you're goal isn't really the money... it's the radical breakthrough your clients will experience when working with you!

"We kicked off with $100,000 in signed clients" - Matt Crane

"Suddenly, I was surrounded with Biblical teaching on how to take my Business and make it a Kingdom endeavor!"

Tanya is a Creative Kingdom Entrepreneur & Five Fold Leader who was looking for Biblical answers to all the business ideas she was receiving from God. Sitting in church, she wondered how she would ever build her business without sacrificing her deepest beliefs. When she found Tyler & The King's Company, everything shifted... for the BEST!! 

Tabatha Haines – Creative Entrepreneur & Coach

"In 3 weeks I made more than I made in 2 years!" - Mel Rushing

"I got SO MUCH Breakthrough, it's been so much FUN! You're in the right place!"

Kennedy is a Kingdom Life Coach with a renewed heart, mind, and life! When she came to The King's Company, there were mental & emotional blocks, substance abuse, and relationship trials to overcome. She got set free, equipped, and empowered to THRIVE in her calling... and best part? She's experienced full-throttle Kingdom Community & had SO MUCH FUN along the way!!

Kennedy Sammons - Kingdom Life Coach

"If you're not willing to sacrifice your faith when starting your coaching business, this Challenge is DEFINITELY for you!"

David is a Kingdom Life Coach & Business Consultant who joined The King's Company in 2021, and is an incredible shepherd & apostle to the body of Christ.  In the video above, he drops some exhortation and even a personal guarantee of his expectations for you in this 5-Day Challenge! Go ahead and give it a listen!

David Farwell - Kingdom Life Coach & Kingdom Business Consultant

...and more reviews (just like the ones you'll have!)

I'll say it again for the people in the back — when you launch your Kingdom Movement, you will see so many people experience radical breakthrough in their lives, all because you took action!

I stepped into a world of possibilities that I could have never imagined would be my portion. Working with Tyler at The King's Company has been so empowering, filling, and fruitful! Day in and day out, I get to work with some of the most anointed and creative people in the world. My clients are like family, because in all reality... we really are Kingdom Family!!

I highly recommend this 5-Day Challenge to anyone who is looking for Kingdom Solutions to the dreams in your heart. You'll find freedom, community, and confidence with The King's Company!

Sakira Baez - Kingdom Life Coach at The King's Company

Have a burning question? Here’s some quick FAQ's that might help:

If you’ve made it here… then it’s time to decide, friend.

Here’s the truth: nothing changes if nothing changes..

If you're sick and tired of trying to figure this out and not getting results...

If you've ever thought "I thought I'd be further ahead by now"...

If you're fed up listening to all the competing advice swirling around online and just want someone to tell you what to do and how to do it...

Then straight up? You're falling behind if you're not in this Challenge.

Because "winging it" and hoping it all works out is a surefire way to stay stuck and struggling. And you deserve better than that.

So.. you in? 

If you’ve made it here… then it’s time to decide, friend.

Here’s the truth: nothing changes if nothing changes..

If you're sick and tired of trying to figure this out and not getting results...

If you've ever thought "I thought I'd be further ahead by now"...

If you're fed up listening to all the competing advice swirling around online and just want someone to tell you what to do and how to do it...

Then straight up? You're falling behind if you're not in this Challenge.

Because "winging it" and hoping it all works out is a surefire way to stay stuck and struggling. And you deserve better than that.

So.. you in? 

If you’ve made it here… then it’s time to decide, friend.

Here’s the truth: nothing changes if nothing changes..

If you're sick and tired of trying to figure this out and not getting results...

If you've ever thought "I thought I'd be further ahead by now"...

If you're fed up listening to all the competing advice swirling around online and just want someone to tell you what to do and how to do it...

Then straight up? You're falling behind if you're not in this Challenge.

Because "winging it" and hoping it all works out is a surefire way to stay stuck and struggling. And you deserve better than that.

So.. you in? 

If you’ve made it here… then it’s time to decide, friend.

Here’s the truth: nothing changes if nothing changes..

If you're sick and tired of trying to figure this out and not getting results...

If you've ever thought "I thought I'd be further ahead by now"...

If you're fed up listening to all the competing advice swirling around online and just want someone to tell you what to do and how to do it...

Then straight up? You're falling behind if you're not in this Challenge.

Because "winging it" and hoping it all works out is a surefire way to stay stuck and struggling. And you deserve better than that.

So.. you in? 

Copyright © 2024 Kelli Nielsen . All Rights Reserved.